Developing New Services
Course Overview
The market is constantly changing and becoming very complex. The use of technological advances, increased competition, shrinking margins, increasing distribution channels and portfolio accumulation require the development of new strategic ideas that provide flexibility and adaptation to the sector and the achievement of measurable goals. Redesigning the strategic factors that influence this product mix process and measuring tactical effectiveness are both necessary to keep any business, of any business sector, on track for a sustainable and growing future.
Seminar Content
This programme aims to present the multiple options that producers and resellers can use today to create, in the eyes of the customer, what is called the "Brand Experience", and to build the necessary skills required to differentiate the mix, always with a view to customising and positioning the product as a unique experience.
Who Should Attend
The program is addressed to Strategic Planning Managers and Senior Executives as well as to Marketing and Sales staff.
Days: Thursday, Friday
Dates: March 6, 7
Time: 9:30 - 16:30
Place: 191 Tseriou Avenue, 2045, Strovolos
Duration: 12 hours
Language: Greek
Cost: 110€
(Initial cost: 350€*, HRDA Subsidy: 240€)
*Special discount for non-subsidy eligible candidates
Request Information
Complete the below form and a member of the Acetraining Team will contact you shortly. To register to this programme click the ''Register Here'' button above.